Volunteer Application

    NOTE: All fields are required unless noted

    Your Name

    Your Email

    Street Address



    Zip Code

    Home Phone

    Mobile Phone

    Preferred Contact Number


    EMERGENCY contact

    Phone Number

    Birth Date

    Are you over 18?



    If you are not over 18, please add parent/guardian contact information below.

    Parent/Guardian Name

    Parent/Guardian Email

    Parent/Guardian Street Address

    Parent/Guardian City

    Parent/Guardian State

    Parent/Guardian Zip Code

    Parent/Guardian Home Phone

    Parent/Guardian Mobile Phone


    Have you ever adopted from us?


    Do you have pets in the home?


    If yes, list all pets names, type and ages:

    Are they up to date on shots?


    Do you have medical insurance?


    Is this volunteer request for community service?


    Have you volunteered with any other organization?


    If yes, what did you do and where?

    Please tell us of any special skills, training, or experience you have:

    How did you hear about Angelcat Haven?

    Volunteer Agreement
    In consideration of this opportunity to volunteer/foster for Angelcat Haven (ACH), I agree to the following terms and conditions:
    I will abide by the mission, rules, regulations, and policies of ACH while I am a volunteer.
    I will maintain the dignity and integrity of ACH and honor confidential information.
    I understand that ACH may refuse volunteer/foster applications for any reason.
    I have accurately and truthfully completed the Volunteer Application.
    I acknowledge that my services are provided strictly on a volunteer basis, without pay or compensation of any kind, and without liability of any nature on behalf of Angelcat Haven.
    All duties to be performed by me are at my own risk. I waive all claims against ACH, its members, directors, and volunteers for all personal injury and property damages resulting from volunteer work with Angelcat Haven.

    Do you accept the above agreement and consent Angelcat Haven and representatives on behalf of Angelcat haven to use this information for processing your application for becoming a foster home?
